Here I am, just another person posting my random thoughts to the collective electronic soup of the blogosphere. Hello world!!! I, too, have something to say, time to say it and access to a computer and the internet so I can post it to the interwebs and to any space aliens bored enough to intercept our satellite pulses. Well, well, well, where do I start? So many thoughts these days. I go to work, come home, try to be a good mom, try to be a decent partner, try not to let the house get too disgusting, drink a few beers and in the back of my mind I am thinking "how the hell am I going change the world at this rate? Everything's going to hell in a handbasket and here I am just trying to get the dishes done 3 out of 5 nights of the week." I went to a liberal college, joined clubs, volunteered, and tried to figure out how to get involved in real social change once I got that piece of paper in my hand. Fast forward fifteen years.... two kids, one partner, many attempts and some spectacular failures on trying to "do" change. I am guessing some of the details will be future blog postings. But basically I wanted to make a list of things I try to do each day to make a bit of difference that will hopefully add up and have some impact. I also want to do some theorizing, speculating, philosophizing, and bullshitting that will maybe help me crystallize the next BIG PLAN. If you happen to intercept some of these commentaries, feel free to add your two cents in. I am open to suggestions...............
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